Monthly Archives: January 2014

Non-unique indexes that COULD be unique

In my last post I showed a query to identify non-unique indexes that should be unique.

You maybe have some other indexes that could be unique based on the data they contain, but are not.

To find out, you just need to query each of those indexes and group by the whole key, filtering out those that have duplicate values. It may look like an overwhelming amount of work, but the good news is I have a script for that:

DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max);

WITH indexes AS (
         QUOTENAME(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(uq.object_id)) AS [schema_name]
        ,QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(uq.object_id)) AS table_name
        , AS index_name
        , AS cols
    FROM sys.indexes AS uq
        SELECT STUFF((
            SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME( AS [text()]
            FROM sys.index_columns AS uc
            INNER JOIN sys.columns AS sc
                ON  uc.column_id = sc.column_id
                AND uc.object_id = sc.object_id
            WHERE uc.object_id = uq.object_id
                AND uc.index_id = uq.index_id
                AND uc.is_included_column = 0
            FOR XML PATH('')
    ) AS cols (name)
    WHERE is_unique = 0
        AND has_filter = 0
        AND is_hypothetical = 0
        AND type IN (1,2)
        AND object_id IN (
            SELECT object_id
            FROM sys.objects
            WHERE is_ms_shipped = 0
            AND type = 'U'
-- Build a big statement to query index data
SELECT @sql = (
        'SELECT ''' + [schema_name] + ''' AS [schema_name],
            ''' + table_name + ''' AS table_name,
            ''' + index_name + ''' AS index_name,
            can_be_unique =
                CASE WHEN (
                    SELECT COUNT(*)
                    FROM (
                        SELECT ' + cols + ',COUNT(*) AS cnt
                        FROM ' + [schema_name] + '.' + [table_name] + '
                        GROUP BY ' + cols + '
                        HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
                    ) AS data
                    ) > 0
                THEN 0
                ELSE 1
    FROM indexes

-- prepare a table to receive results
DECLARE @results TABLE (
    [schema_name] sysname,
    [table_name] sysname,
    [index_name] sysname,
    [can_be_unique] bit

-- execute the script and pipe the results
INSERT @results

-- show candidate unique indexes
FROM @results
WHERE can_be_unique = 1
ORDER BY [schema_name], [table_name], [index_name]

The script should complete quite quickly, since you have convenient indexes in place. However, I suggest that you run it against a non production copy of your database, as it will scan all non unique indexes found in the database.

The results will include all the indexes that don’t contain duplicate data. Whether you should make those indexes UNIQUE, only you can tell.

Some indexes may contain unique data unintentionally, but could definitely store duplicate data in the future. If you know your data domain, you will be able to spot the difference.

Non-unique indexes that should be unique

Defining the appropriate primary key and unique constraints is fundamental for a good database design.


One thing that I often see overlooked is that all the indexes with a key that includes completely another UNIQUE index’s key should in turn be created as UNIQUE. You could argue that such an index has probably been created by mistake, but it’s not always the case.

If you want to check your database for indexes that can be safely made UNIQUE, you can use the following script:

SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(uq.object_id) AS [schema_name],
    OBJECT_NAME(uq.object_id) AS table_name, AS unique_index_name, AS non_unique_index_name
FROM sys.indexes AS uq
    SELECT name, object_id, index_id
    FROM sys.indexes AS nui
    WHERE nui.object_id = uq.object_id
        AND nui.index_id <> uq.index_id
        AND nui.is_unique = 0
        AND nui.has_filter = 0
        AND nui.is_hypothetical = 0
) AS nui
WHERE is_unique = 1
    AND has_filter = 0
    AND is_hypothetical = 0
    AND uq.object_id IN (
        SELECT object_id
        FROM sys.tables

        SELECT column_id
        FROM sys.index_columns AS uc
        WHERE uc.object_id = uq.object_id
            AND uc.index_id = uq.index_id
            AND uc.is_included_column = 0


        SELECT column_id
        FROM sys.index_columns AS nuic
        WHERE nuic.object_id = nui.object_id
            AND nuic.index_id = nui.index_id
            AND nuic.is_included_column = 0

ORDER BY [schema_name], table_name, unique_index_name

You may wonder why you should bother making those indexes UNIQUE.

The answer is that constraints help the optimizer building better execution plans. Marking an index as UNIQUE tells the optimizer that one and just one row can be found for each key value: it’s a valuable information that can actually help estimating the correct cardinality.

Does the script return any rows? Make those indexes UNIQUE, you’ll thank me later.

SQL Server Agent in Express Edition

As you probably know, SQL Server Express doesn’t ship with SQL Server Agent.

This is a known limitation and many people offered alternative solutions to schedule jobs, including windows scheduler, free and commercial third-party applications.

My favourite SQL Server Agent replacement to date is Denny Cherry‘s Standalone SQL Agent, for two reasons:

  1. It uses msdb tables to read job information.
    This means that jobs, schedules and the like can be scripted using the same script you would use in the other editions.
  2. It’s open source and it was started by a person I highly respect.

However, while I still find it a great piece of software, there are a couple of downsides to take into account:

  1. It’s still a beta version and the project hasn’t been very active lately.
  2. There’s no GUI tool to edit jobs or monitor job progress.
  3. It fails to install when UAC is turned on
  4. It’s not 100% compatible with SQL Server 2012
  5. It doesn’t restart automatically when the SQL Server instance starts
  6. It requires sysadmin privileges

The UAC problem during installation is easy to solve: open an elevated command prompt and run the installer msi. Easy peasy.

As far as SQL Server 2012 is concerned, the service fails to start when connected to a 2012 instance. In the ERRORLOG file (the one you find in the Standalone SQL Agent directory, not SQL Server’s) you’ll quickly find the reason of the failure: it can’t create the stored procedure sp_help_job_SSA. I don’t know why this happens: I copied the definition of the stored procedure from a 2008 instance and it worked fine.

If you don’t have a SQL Server 2008 instance available, you can extract the definition of the stored procedure from the source code at CodePlex.

Issue 5) is a bit more tricky to tackle. When the service loses the connection to the target SQL Server instance, it won’t restart automatically and it will remain idle until you cycle the service manually. In the ERRORLOG file you’ll find a message that resembles to this:

Error connecting to SQL Instance.
No connection attempt will be made until Sevice is restarted.

You can overcome this limitation using a startup stored procedure that restarts the service:

USE master

EXEC sp_configure 'advanced',1

EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1

USE master

CREATE PROCEDURE startStandaloneSQLAgent

    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'net stop "Standalone SQL Agent"'
    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'net start "Standalone SQL Agent"'


EXEC sp_procoption @ProcName = 'startStandaloneSQLAgent'
      , @OptionName = 'startup'
      , @OptionValue = 'on';

However, you’ll probably notice that the SQL Server service account does not have sufficient rights to restart the service.

The following PowerShell script grants the SQL Server service account all the rights it needs. In order to run it, you need to download the code available at Rohn Edwards’ blog.

# Change to the display name of your SQL Server Express service
$service = Get-WmiObject win32_service |
	where-object { $_.DisplayName -eq "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS2008R2)" }

$serviceLogonAccount = $service.StartName

$ServiceAcl = Get-ServiceAcl "Standalone SQL Agent"

# Add an ACE allowing the service user Start and Stop service rights:
$ServiceAcl.AddAccessRule((New-AccessControlEntry -ServiceRights "Start,Stop" -Principal $serviceLogonAccount))

# Apply the modified ACL object to the service:
$ServiceAcl | Set-ServiceAcl

# Confirm the ACE was saved:
Get-ServiceAcl "Standalone SQL Agent" | select -ExpandProperty Access

After running this script from an elevated Powershell instance, you can test whether the startup stored procedure has enough privileges by invoking it manually.

If everything works as expected, you can restart the SQL Server Express instance and the Standalone SQL Agent service will restart as well.

In conclusion, Standalone SQL Agent is a good replacement for SQL Server Agent in Express edition and, while it suffers from some limitations, I still believe it’s the best option available.

COPY_ONLY backups and Log Shipping

Last week I was in the process of migrating a couple of SQL Server instances from 2008 R2 to 2012.

In order to let the migration complete quickly, I set up log shipping from the old instance to the new instance. Obviously, the existing backup jobs had to be disabled, otherwise they would have broken the log chain.

That got me thinking: was there a way to keep both “regular” transaction log backups (taken by the backup tool) and the transaction log backups taken by log shipping?


The first thing that came to my mind was the COPY_ONLY option available since SQL Server 2005.

You probably know that COPY_ONLY backups are useful when you have to take a backup for a special purpose, for instance when you have to restore from production to test. With the COPY_ONLY option, database backups don’t break the differential base and transaction log backups don’t break the log chain.

My initial thought was that I could ship COPY_ONLY backups to the secondary and keep taking scheduled transaction log backups with the existing backup tools.

I was dead wrong.

Let’s see it with an example on a TEST database.

I took 5 backups:

  1. FULL database backup, to initialize the log chain. Please note that COPY_ONLY backups cannot be used to initialize the log chain.
  2. LOG backup
  3. LOG backup with the COPY_ONLY option
  4. LOG backup
  5. LOG backup with the COPY_ONLY option

The backup information can be queried from backupset in msdb:

     ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY bs.backup_start_date) AS [backup #]
    ,DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY type, bs.first_lsn) AS sequence
FROM msdb.dbo.backupset bs
WHERE bs.database_name = 'TEST'


As you can see, the COPY_ONLY backups don’t truncate the transaction log and losing one of those backups wouldn’t break the log chain.

However, all backups always start from the first available LSN, which means that scheduled log backups taken without the COPY_ONLY option truncate the transaction log and make significant portions of the transaction log unavailable in the next COPY_ONLY backup.

You can see it clearly in the following picture: the LSNs highlighted in red should contain no gaps in order to be restored successfully to the secondary, but the regular TLOG backups break the log chain in the COPY_ONLY backups.


That means that there’s little or no point in taking COPY_ONLY transaction log backups, as “regular” backups will always determine gaps in the log chain.

When log shipping is used, the secondary server is the only backup you can have, unless you keep the TLOG backups or use your backup tool directly to ship the logs.

Why on earth should one take a COPY_ONLY TLOG backup (more than one at least) is beyond my comprehension, but that’s a whole different story.

Open SSMS Query Results in Excel with a Single Click

The problem

One of the tasks that I often have to complete is manipulate some data in Excel, starting from the query results in SSMS.

Excel is a very convenient tool for one-off reports, quick data manipulation, simple charts.

Unfortunately, SSMS doesn’t ship with a tool to export grid results to Excel quickly.

Excel offers some ways to import data from SQL queries, but none of those offers the rich query tools available in SSMS. A representative example is Microsoft Query: how am I supposed to edit a query in a text editor like this?


Enough said.

Actually, there are many ways to export data from SQL Server to Excel, including SSIS packages and the Import/Export wizard. Again, all those methods require writing your queries in a separate tool, often with very limited editing capabilities.

PowerQuery offers great support for data exploration, but it is a totally different beast and I don’t see it as an alternative to running SQL queries directly.

The solution

How can I edit my queries taking advantage of the query editing features of SSMS, review the results and then format the data directly in Excel?

The answer is SSMS cannot do that, but, fortunately, the good guys at Solutions Crew brought you a great tool that can do that and much more.

SSMSBoost is a free add-in that empowers SSMS with many useful features, among which exporting to Excel is just one. I highly suggest that you check out the feature list, because it’s really impressive.

Once SSMSBoost is installed, every time you right click a results grid, a context menu appears that lets you export the grid data to several formats.

No surprises, one of those formats is indeed Excel.


The feature works great, even with relatively big result sets. However, it requires 5 clicks to create the Spreadsheet file and one more click to open it in Excel:


So, where is the single click I promised in the title of this post?

The good news is that SSMSBoost can be automated combining commands in macros to accomplish complex tasks.

Here’s how to create a one-click “open in Excel” command:

First, open the SSMSBoost settings window clicking the “Extras” button.


In the “Shortcuts & Macros” tab you can edit and add macros to the toolbar or the context menu and even assign a keyboard shortcut.


Clicking the “definitions” field opens the macro editor


Select “Add” and choose the following command: “SSMSBoost.Connect.GridDataCopyTemplateAllGridsDisk3”. This command corresponds to the “Script all grids as Excel to disk” command in SSMSBoost.

Now save everything with OK and close. You will notice a new button in your toolbar:


That button allows to export all grids to Excel in a single click.

You’re almost there: now you just need something to open the Excel file automatically, without the need for additional clicks.

To accomplish this task, you can use a Powershell script, bound to a custom External Tool.

Open the External Tools editor (Tools, External Tools), click “Add” and type these parameters:

Title: Open last XML in Excel

Command: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe

Arguments: -File %USERPROFILE%\openLastExcel.ps1 -ExecutionPolicy Bypass


Click OK to close the External Tools editor.

This command lets you open the last XML file created in the SSMSBoost output directory, using a small Powershell script that you have to create in your %USERPROFILE% directory.

The script looks like this:

## =============================================
## Author:      Gianluca Sartori - @spaghettidba
## Create date: 2014-01-15
## Description: Open the last XML file in the SSMSBoost
##              output dicrectory with Excel
## =============================================

sl $env:UserProfile

# This is the SSMSBoost 2012 settings file
# If you have the 2008 version, change this path
# Sorry, I could not find a registry key to automate it.
$settingsFile = "$env:UserProfile\AppData\Local\Solutions Crew\Ssms2012\SSMSBoostSettings.xml"

# Open the settings file to look up the export directory
$xmldata=[xml](get-content $settingsFile)

$xlsTemplate = $xmldata.SSMSBoostSettings.GridDataCopyTemplates.ChildNodes |
    Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "Excel (MS XML Spreadsheet)" }

$SSMSBoostPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($xlsTemplate.SavePath)

$SSMSBoostPath = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($SSMSBoostPath)

# we filter out files created before (now -1 second)
$startTime = (get-date).addSeconds(-1);

$targetFile = $null;

while($targetFile -eq $null){
    $targetFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $SSMSBoostPath |
        Where-Object { $_.extension -eq '.xml' -and $_.lastWriteTime -gt $startTime } |
        Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime |
        Select-Object -Last 1;

    # file not found? Wait SSMSBoost to finish exporting
    if($targetFile -eq $null) {
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100

$fileToOpen = $targetFile.FullName

# enclose the output file path in quotes if needed
if($fileToOpen -like "* *"){
    $fileToOpen = "`"" + $fileToOpen + "`""

# open the file in Excel
# ShellExecute is much safer than messing with COM objects...
$sh = new-object -com 'Shell.Application'
$sh.ShellExecute('excel', "/r " + $fileToOpen, '', 'open', 1)

Now you just have to go back to the SSMSBoost settings window and edit the macro you created above.


In the definitions field click … to edit the macro and add a second step. The Command to select is “Tools.ExternalCommand1”.

Save and close everything and now your nice toolbar button will be able to open the export file in Excel automagically. Yay!



If nothing happens, you might need to change your Powershell Execution Policy. Remember that SSMS is a 32-bit application and you have to set the Execution Policy for the x86 version of Powershell.

Starting Powershell x86 is not easy in Windows 8/8.1, The documentation says to look up “Windows Powershell (x86)” in the start menu, but I could not find it.

The easiest way I have found is through another External Tool in SSMS. Start SSMS as an Administrator (otherwise the UAC will prevent you from changing the Execution Policy) and configure an external tool to run Powershell. Once you’re in, type “Set-ExecutionPolicy Remotesigned” and hit return. The external tool in your macro will now run without issues.

Bottom line

Nothing compares to SSMS when it comes down to writing queries, but Excel is the best place to format and manipulate data.

Now you have a method to take advantage of the best of both worlds. And it only takes one single click.


2013 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 19,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 7 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.