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Code signing for mere mortals

Well, turns out code signing is pretty complex, so I’m writing this blog post as a guide for my future self. I hope he will appreciate, and perhaps some of you may find it useful as well.

The need for code signing

There is a lot of malware out there, we all know it, so you’d better be careful with what you download and install on your computer. Browsers try to help with that and will warn you when you download a suspicious piece of software:

You will have to be very persistent if you really mean to keep it:

If you try to install it, Windows will warn you again that you shouldn’t really install random stuff from the Internet:

Why does happen with some files and doesn’t happen with the Chrome installer or Acrobat reader? Because those setup kits are signed with a certificate from Google and Adobe, released by a certification authority that checks that Google is actually Google and not a disgruntled random guy pretending to be Google.

This means you can sign your code too, you just need to get a code signing certificate from a certification authority and they will be happy to give you one in exchange for money.

Get a Code Signing Certificate

There are many certification authorities and I don’t have enough experience to recommend one in particular. In my case, I ended up working with DigiCert, because at the time they offered complimentary certificates for MVPs.

After registering an account, the first thing you have to do is request a new code signing certificate. The cert authority will perform all required checks, like checking your ID/passport, set up a video call where you sign a form in front of the operator… long story short, they will make sure that you are who you claim you are.

After the check is done, they will issue a certificate, that you can use to sign your code. Hooray!

At this time, you will also get a private key, that you will need to perform all the operations on your code signing certificate. The private key is another certificate, that you will have to make sure to keep in a safe place. Starting from June 1st 2023, regulations require that you store your private keys on a hardware token that provides strong encryption or online in an encrypted key vault.

Either way, make sure you don’t lose it.

Sign your code with the Code Signing Certificate

In order to sign your code, you will need to install the Windows SDK Signing Tools, which are part of the Windows SDK. You can download the appropriate version for your OS from Microsoft.

The tool that you’re looking for is called signtool.exe and you can find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\signtool.exe

Usage: signtool <command> [options]

  Valid commands:
    sign       --  Sign files using an embedded signature.
    timestamp  --  Timestamp previously-signed files.
    verify     --  Verify embedded or catalog signatures.
    catdb      --  Modify a catalog database.
    remove     --  Remove embedded signature(s) or reduce the size of an
                   embedded signed file.

The command that we need is “sign”. There are a lot of options for this command and I have a very limited knowledge of what does what. What did the trick for me is this combination of parameters:

signtool.exe sign 
    /f <path to your cert> 
    /p <password to open the cert> 
    /sha1 <sha1 fingerprint> 
    /t <url of the timestamp server> 
    /d <description of the content> 
    /fd <file digest algorithm>
    <path of the file to sign>

In my case, to sign XESmartTarget, I entered this command:

signtool sign 
    /f "c:\digicert\codesigning2023.pfx"
    /p "MySuperDuperPassword"
    /sha1 "00AABBCCDDEEFF0011223344556677889900AABB"
    /t ""
    /d "XESmartTarget" 
    /fd sha1

Every parameter is in a new line for readability, but you command will be on a single line.

Looks pretty easy, but I can tell you it’s not. Well, not for me at least. In order to produce the above command line, you will need a number of things:

  1. The certificate in .pfx format
  2. The password of the certificate
  3. The sha1 fingerprint
  4. The URL of the timestamp server

Convert your code signing certificate to the .pfx format

The certification authority will provide the certificate in many possible formats. Not all formats are good for you: you need .pfx because that’s the one that works with signtool. Maybe it works with other formats, I don’t know, but .pfx worked for me.

In my case, DigiCert provided the certificates either in .p7b, .cer, .crt or .pem format. All these formats are base64 encoded and can be opened with a text editor. If you open a certificate in notepad, you will see something like this:

..................lots of gibberish..................

The .pfx format is different, it is a binary format and cannot be opened with a text editor.

In order to convert your .pem certificate to .pfx format, you will need another tool called openssl. You can download and install for your OS or you can use a winget command: winget install openssl.

Once you have openssl, you can use this command to convert your base64 certificate to the .pfx format:

openssl pkcs12 -inkey c:\digicert\privatekey.pem -in c:\digicert\codesigning.crt -export -out c:\digicert\codesigning.pfx

Openssl will prompt for the password of the private key. Did I mention you should not lose it?

Enter pass phrase for c:\digicert\privatekey.pem: <-- private key password
Enter Export Password:   <-- this is the password of the exported certificate
Verifying - Enter Export Password: <-- type again

The export password is the one that you will need to pass to signtool in the /p parameter.

Convert your private key to .pem format

If your private key is not in base64 format, openssl will fail:

Could not read private key from -inkey file from c:\digicert\privatekey.p12

I don’t remember exactly how, but my private key is in .p12 format (it’s a binary encrypted format): if that is all you have, you will need to convert it first.

Openssl can convert the private key for you:

openssl pkcs12 -in c:\digicert\privatekey.p12 -out c:\digicert\privatekey.pem -clcerts

Now that you have the private key in the .pem format, you can go back to the previous step and generate the .pfx certificate.

Get the certificate fingerprint

Your certitification authority should display the certificate sha thumbprint on the certificate order in your personal area. At least, DigiCert does. This information can be displayed as “thumbprint” or “fingerprint” and it’s a binary string.

If you can’t find this information on the certificate order, you can extract it from the certificate itself, again using openssl:

openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha1 -inform pem -in "C:\digicert\codesigning.pem"

The output will look like this:

sha1 Fingerprint=00:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:AA:BB

This fingerprint should match the one you have on your certificate order and must be used in the signtool command line without the “:”. In this case it becomes 00AABBCCDDEEFF0011223344556677889900AABB

Putting it all together

Once you have your certificate ready, you can use signtool to sign your artifacts. In order to make this process easier, I created a couple of scripts that I use in Visual Studio builds as post build scripts.

My Wix setup project has this Post-build Event Command Line:

call $(ProjectDir)postbuild.bat "!(TargetPath)" "$(TargetDir)$(SolutionName)_$(Platform)$(TargetExt)"

postbuild.bat looks like this:

powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -NonInteractive -File %~dp0\SignMsi.ps1 -InputFile %1 -OutputFile %2

SignMsi.ps1 is where all the magic happens:


if(-not (Test-Path $PSScriptRoot\SignParams.ps1)) 
    Write-Warning "No code signing is applied to the .msi file."
    Write-Warning "You need to create a file called SignParams.ps1 and provide signing info."
    Move-Item $InputFile $OutputFile -Force

# read paramters
$signParams = get-content $PSScriptRoot\SignParams.ps1 -Raw
Invoke-Expression $signParams

$params = $(
    ,('"' + $certPath + '"')
    ,('"' + $certPass + '"')
    ,('"' + $certTime + '"')

& $signTool ($params + $InputFile)

Write-Output "Moving $InputFile --> $OutputFile"
Move-Item $InputFile $OutputFile -Force

SignMsi.ps1 looks for a file named SignParams.ps1 in the same folder and if it finds the file if processes the contents and proceeds to sign the artifacts, otherwise it just ignores signing, which can be good for pre-prod or test environments.

The SignParams.ps1 file contains the parameters needed by signtool and it looks like this:

$signTool = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\signtool.exe"
$certPath = "c:\digicert\codesigning2023.pfx"
$certPass = "MySuperDuperPassword"
$certSha = "00AABBCCDDEEFF0011223344556677889900AABB"
$certTime = ""

This should make your life pretty easy.


Replaying Workloads to a different Database

One of the features I was asked to implement for WorkloadTools is the ability to replay commands to a database name different from the one recorded in the source workload.

This is something that I had been planning to implement for a while and it totally makes sense. Usually, you have two identical environments for the workload capture and replay, both with the same databases. Sometimes it makes sense to have two different databases as the source and target for the workload, for some particular reasons: resources constraints, ease of testing and so on.

WorkloadTools now supports replaying commands to a different database, using the DatabaseMap property of the ReplayConsumer.

DatabaseMap is a Dictionary of strings, so it can be expressed in the .json file as a key/value pair, where the key is the original database and the value is the new target database for the command.

Here is an example:

    "__type": "ReplayConsumer",
    "ConnectionInfo": {
        "ServerName": "",
        "DatabaseName": "mario",
        "UserName": "itsame",
        "Password": "itsamario"
    "DatabaseMap": {
        "Mario": "Luigi",
        "Peach": "Bowser"

In this case, whenever a command from the database “Mario” is found, it is replayed against the database “Luigi”. Similarly, when the database “Peach” is found, the command gets replayed on “Bowser”.

Please note that DatabaseMap only changes the database context and does not substitute any reference to the original database name in the code. For instance, if you had something like EXEC Mario.sys.sp_executesql 'SELECT 1' ,this would not be intercepted by DatabaseMap and would remain unchanged in your code.

Happy benchmarking with WorkladTools!

Performing a real-time replay with WorkloadTools

In a previous blog post, I showed you how to use WorkloadTools to replay a workload in two different scenarios. However, there is a third scenario that is worth exploring: the real-time replay.

Before we jump to how, I’d better spend some words on why a real-time replay is needed.

The main reason is the complexity involved in capturing and analyzing a workload for extended periods of time. Especially when performing migrations and upgrades, it is crucial to capture the entire business cycle, in order to cover all possible queries issued by the applications. All existing benchmarking tools require to capture the workload to a file before it can be analyzed and/or replayed, but this becomes increasingly complicated when the length of the business cycle grows.

The first complication has to do with the size of the trace files, that will have to be accommodated to a disk location, either local or remote. It is not reasonable to expect to capture a workload on a busy server for, let’s say two weeks, because the size of the trace files can easily get to a few hundred GBs in less than one hour.

The second complication has to do with the ability of the benchmarking tools to process the trace files: bigger and more numerous files increase enormously the chances of breaking the tools. If you ever captured a big workload to a set of trace files to feed it to ReadTrace, you probably know what I’m talking about and chances are that you witnessed a crash or two. If you tried it with DReplay, you now probably have an ample collection of exotic and unhelpful error messages.

In this context, being able to process the events as soon as they occur is a plus, so that storing them to a file of any type is not needed. This is exactly what WorkloadTools does with the real-time replay feature.

Performing a real-time replay

All the considerations made for replaying a saved workload also apply to this scenario. First of all, you will need to set up a target environment that contains an up to date copy of the production database. Log shipping is a great tool for this: you can restore a full backup from production and restore all logs until the two databases are in sync. Immediately after restoring the last log backup with recovery, you can start the capture and replay on the production server.

The .json file for this activity will probably look like this:

    "Controller": {

            "__type": "ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener",
                "ServerName": "SourceInstance"
            "DatabaseFilter": "YourDatabase"

                "__type": "ReplayConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "TargetInstance",
                    "DatabaseName": "YourDatabase"
                "__type": "AnalysisConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "AnalysisInstance",
                    "DatabaseName": "SqlWorkload",
                    "SchemaName": "baseline"
                "UploadIntervalSeconds": 60

On the target server, you can use SqlWorkload again to capture the performance data produced by the replay, using a .json file similar to the one used when analyzing the replay of a saved workload:

    "Controller": {
            "__type": "ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener",
                "ServerName": "TargetInstance",
                "DatabaseName": "YourDatabase"

                "__type": "AnalysisConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "AnalysisInstance",
                    "DatabaseName": "SqlWorkload",
                    // different schema from SqlWorkload 1
                    "SchemaName": "replay"                 
                "UploadIntervalSeconds": 60

The overall architecture of the real-time replay looks like this:

It is crucial to start both instances of SqlWorkload at the same time, as the time dimension is always measured as the offset from the start of the analysis: starting both instances at the same time ensures that the same queries get executed around the same offset, so that you can compare apples to apples.

It is also extremely important to make sure that the target environment can keep up with the workload being replayed, otherwise the number of queries found in the same interval will never match between the two environments and the two workloads will start to diverge more and more. You can observe the data in WorkloadViewer while is gets written by the two analysis consumers and you can compare the number of batches per seconds to make sure that the target environment does not get overwhelmed by the workload. To refresh the data in WorkloadViewer, simply press F5.

The analysis and comparison of a real-time replay is not different from a deferred replay and you can use the same tools and apply the same considerations to both situations.

The interesting part of a real-time replay is the ability to perform the replay for extended periods of time, without the need to store the workload data to any type of intermediate format and without the need to analyze the workload data as a whole before you can proceed with the replay. The possibilities that this approach opens are really interesting and can be outside the usual scope of benchmarking tools.

As an example, you could decide to have a staging environment where you want to test the performance impact of new implementations directly against a production workload, gaining immediate insights regarding performance and catching runaway queries before they hit production. The traditional approach to this problem has always been based on test harnesses that simulate the critical parts of the workload, but building and maintaining these tools can be time consuming. With WorkloadTools you can measure the performance impact of your changes without having to build new tools and you can focus on what matters to you the most: your business.

Workload replay with WorkloadTools

In my last post, I described how to capture a workload to a file, in order to run a replay against your target environment at a later time. Well, that later time has come and you’re ready to roll.

Of course, WorkloadTools has got you covered.

Before I show you how SqlWorkload can run the replay, reading all data from the workload file, I need to spend some time describing how to set up your target environment. It may look superfluous, but getting this part right is they key to a successful benchmarking activity and allows you to make sure that you are comparing apples with apples.

Choosing a methodology

First of all, you need to decide what you want to discover and make sure you understand entirely how performing the replay will help you in your investigation. There are mainly two types of methodologies:

  1. Capture in production, analyze the workload, replay in test, analyze and compare the results
  2. Capture in production, replay and analyze in test to establish a baseline, change something and replay again in test to obtain a second benchmark, then compare the results

The first method is useful when you are interested in comparing two different scenarios that cannot be easily reproduced in a test environment. As an example of this situation, imagine a production server that sits on a SAN storage with no more space available to create a test environment. Management wants to buy a new SAN and obtains a box to conduct a POC. In this case you can set up a test environment on the new SAN and compare the benchmarks on the two different storages.

This way of benchmarking is not always ideal, because it tries to compare a workload captured in production with a workload captured as the replay of the production one. The two are not the same: they depend on the filters applied while capturing in production and can be affected by the conditions under which the replay is being performed. For this reason, this methodology should be used only when it is possible to accept the approximation due to resource constraints.

The second method is more convoluted, but it is often able to deliver more accurate results. With this method, both benchmarks are obtained by measuring the replay of the original workload in a controlled test environment, so that the way the replay itself is performed does not affect the comparison.

This second method is easier to use in situations when the test environment can be reused to obtain the two scenarios to measure. Imagine that you want to observe the effect of changing compatibility level or some other database level options: in this case you would need to replay the original workload, change compatibility level, run a second replay and compare the performance in the two scenarios.

However, not even this method is perfect and you really need to make sure that you understand what you want to measure. If you are looking for plan regressions due to changing something at the instance, database or object level, you probably don’t care much about the relative performance of the hardware, because it is unlikely to affect query performance more than the plan regression itself.

Setting up the environment

Another thing that has to be taken into account is what data the replay will be performed against. In order to obtain meaningful performance information, the workload should ideally be performed against the same database, with the data in the same exact state in both environments.

Working on data in different states can produce misleading results. Imagine that the production workload contains thousands of commands that operate changes to a particular order in a database for an e-commerce website: if you tried to replay that workload against a copy of the database taken one week before the order was created, you would not produce the same amount of reads and writes found in the production workload. This means that the two databases have to be synchronized, by performing a point int time restore in the test environment up to the moment in which the capture of the production workload has started.

If you have to replay the workload multiple times, it is recommended to take a database snapshot before you start the replay, so that you can revert to that snapshot before repeating the replay.

Replaying a Workload from production

In this case, the workload that you capture in production will act as the baseline and will be compared to the workload captured in test when performing the replay. WorkloadTools lets you choose when to analyze the source workload: you can do that during the workload capture, you can do that while performing the replay or you can do that at a later moment. In the first case, you just need to add a second consumer to the listener and let it write the performance data to a schema in the analysis database.

    "Controller": {

        // This listener connects to the source instance
        // using Extended Events
            "__type": "ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener",
                "ServerName": "SourceInstance"
            "DatabaseFilter": "YourDatabase"

            // This consumer analyzes the workload and saves
            // the analysis to a database, in the schema “baseline”
                "__type": "AnalysisConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "AnalysisInstance",
                    "DatabaseName": "SqlWorkload",
                    "SchemaName": "baseline"
                "UploadIntervalSeconds": 60
            // This consumer writes the workload to a file
                "__type": "WorkloadFileWriterConsumer",
                "OutputFile": "C:\\temp\\SqlWorkload.sqlite"

If you decide to analyze the workload later, you can start a file listener and feed the events to an analysis consumer. This setup can come handy when the analysis database is not reachable from the machine where the capture is being performed. This is an example of how to perform the analysis using a workload file as the source:

    "Controller": {

            "__type": "FileWorkloadListener",
            "Source": "C:\\temp\\SqlWorkload.sqlite",
            "SynchronizationMode": "false"

                "__type": "AnalysisConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "AnalysisInstance",
                    "DatabaseName": "SqlWorkload",
                    "SchemaName": "baseline"
                "UploadIntervalSeconds": 60

Another option is to analyze the source workload while performing the replay. Here is a sample json file for that:

    "Controller": {

            "__type": "FileWorkloadListener",
            "Source": "C:\\temp\\SqlWorkload.sqlite",
            // in this case you want to simulate the original query rate
            "SynchronizationMode": "true" 

                "__type": "ReplayConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "TargetInstance",
                    "DatabaseName": "YourDatabase"
                "__type": "AnalysisConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "AnalysisInstance",
                    "DatabaseName": "SqlWorkload",
                    "SchemaName": "baseline"
                "UploadIntervalSeconds": 60

The replay workload has to be captured and analyzed as well, but you don’t need to record the queries to a workload file, because you are only after the performance data and you don’t need to replay the queries captured in this environment. All you need in this case is an instance of SqlWorkload with a listener connected to the test environment and a consumer to perform the analysis.

    "Controller": {

        // This listener points to the target instance
        // where the replay is being performed
            "__type": "ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener",
                "ServerName": "TargetInstance",
                "DatabaseName": "DS3"

                "__type": "AnalysisConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "AnalysisInstance",
                    "DatabaseName": "SqlWorkload",
                    "SchemaName": "replay"
                "UploadIntervalSeconds": 60

The analysis data can be saved to the same target database used for the production workload, but it is not a requirement. In case you decide to use the same database, the target schema needs to be different.

Recording multiple benchmarks for the same workload

In this case, the workload captured in production will not be used as the baseline, but the baseline will be obtained by replaying it. This means that you don’t need to analyze the source workload and all you need to do is record it to a file.

Pointing to the target environment, you will need an instance of SqlWorkload with a listener configured to read the workload file and replay the events using a replay consumer.

    "Controller": {

            "__type": "FileWorkloadListener",
            "Source": "C:\\temp\\SqlWorkload.sqlite",
            // in this case you want to simulate the original query rate
            "SynchronizationMode": "true" 

                "__type": "ReplayConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "TargetInstance",
                    "DatabaseName": "YourDatabase"

In the same environment, you will have another instance of SqlWorkload with a listener capturing the events being replayed and an analysis consumer to write the performance data to an analysis database.

    "Controller": {

        // This listener points to the target instance
        // where the replay is being performed
            "__type": "ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener",
                "ServerName": "TargetInstance",
                "DatabaseName": "DS3"

                "__type": "AnalysisConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "AnalysisInstance",
                    "DatabaseName": "SqlWorkload",
                    "SchemaName": "benchmark01"
                "UploadIntervalSeconds": 60

In order to obtain the second benchmark, you will now need to rewind the database to its initial state by performing a restore (using backups or a snapshot) and then you are ready to perform replay and capture once again. The .json files to use are almost identical to the ones that you used to obtain the first benchmark, except that you will need to specify a different schema to save the workload analysis.

    "Controller": {

        // This listener points to the target instance
        // where the replay is being performed
            "__type": "ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener",
                "ServerName": "TargetInstance",
                "DatabaseName": "DS3"

                "__type": "AnalysisConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "AnalysisInstance",
                    "DatabaseName": "SqlWorkload",
                    "SchemaName": "benchmark02"
                "UploadIntervalSeconds": 60

Comparing benchmarks using WorkloadViewer

Regardless of the method that you decided to use, at the end of the replays, you will have two distinct sets of tables containing the workload analysis data, sitting in different schemas in the same database or in completely different databases.

WorkloadViewer will let you visualize performance over time, as we have seen for a single workload analysis, but this time it will be able to show you data from both workloads, so that you can compare them.

The first tab will still contain the charts for total duration, cpu and number of batches per second, with two different series:

The grid in the second tab will now show performance data by query for both benchmarks, so that you can easily spot regressions sorting by the difference:

The third tab will show you the details for a single query, with the detail broken down by application, hostname, username and databasename. It will also contain a chart to show you the behavior of the query over time.


Even when replaying a workload, WorkloadTools keep the promise of low complexity and allow you to perform all the activities involved in your benchmarking scenarios.

In the next post I will show you how to leverage the most interesting feature of WorkloadTools: the real-time replay. Stay tuned!

Capturing a Workload with WorkloadTools

Last week I showed you how to use WorkloadTools to analyze a workload. As you have seen, using SqlWorkload to extract performance data from your workload is extremely easy and it just takes a few keystrokes in your favorite text editor to craft the perfect .json configuration file.

Today I’m going to show you how to capture a workload and save it to a file. If you’ve ever tried to perform this task with any other traditional benchmarking tool, like RML Utilities or Distributed Replay, your palms are probably sweaty already, but fear not: no complicated traces to set up, no hypertrophic scripts to create extended events captures. WorkloadTools makes it as easy as it can get.

Saving a workload to a file might look superfluous when you think that WorkloadTools has the ability to perform replays in real-time (I’ll discuss this feature in a future post), but there are situations when you want to replay the same exact workload multiple times, maybe changing something in the target database between each benchmark to see precisely what performance looks like under different conditions.

Another scenario where saving the workload to a file comes handy is when the source and destination servers are on different isolated networks and cannot communicate directly: in this case, you will save the workload to a file, copy it to the network where the target server resides and perform the replay there.

Choosing a file format

Before I show you how to do it, please allow me to explain what type of file we are going to write to and why I decided to use this format. If you’re not interested in this kind of geeky stuff, you can skip to the next section, no offense taken.

As already mentioned in my previous blog post, SqlWorkload uses a Listener object that relies on the underlying technology to capture the execution events that form the workload, so we have specialized Listeners for SqlTrace and for Extended Events. However, the Listener reads the events from the underlying source and then discards the source immediately.

When the workload is captured with an Extended Events session and the events are processed with the streaming API for Extended Events, it is pretty obvious how this works and why there is no .xel file at the end of the capture: the events are never written to a file and they are processed on the fly. In the same way, when the workload is captured with SqlTrace, SqlWorkload makes sure to keep the trace files on the server’s file system as shortly as possible, so it reads the events from the tail of the active rollover file and forwards them to the Consumers immediately: again, at the end of the capture, there will be no trace file available.

Long story short: using one of the traditional capture formats would require to instruct SQL Server to leave the files on the file system, which is not what we want and often something we cannot do.

Moreover, choosing one of the traditional formats (SqlTrace or Extended Events) would be problematic: Extended Events only works with SQLServer 2012 and newer and SqlTrace can only be read and written with an old 32 bit COM API.

What I decided to use as the intermediate format for SqlWorkload is a SqLite database, that contains a handful of tables that persist all the queries captured by the Listener. Yeah, sure: when you’re a database professional it feels very natural to use a database to store information (if  all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail), but I can assure you that it is far from an unreasonable decision. Using a SqLite database allows you to inspect, modify and filter the workload data with extreme ease, using industry standard tools.

But enough talking about my decisional process: let’s go straight to the meat of this post.

Capturing a Workload

As you probably have guessed, capturing a workload is a matter of preparing a .json file with all the parameters and feeding it to SqlWorkload.

All you need is a Listener that captures the workload using SqlTrace or Extended Events and then a Consumer that takes care of writing to a SqLite file.

The .json file will be similar to this:

    "Controller": {

            // I'm using Extended Events here, but it could
            // be any type of listener
            "__type": "ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener",
                "ServerName": "(local)"
            "DatabaseFilter": "MyDatabase"

                // The File Writer consumer takes care
                // of saving the workload to a file
                "__type": "WorkloadFileWriterConsumer",
                "OutputFile": "C:\\temp\\SqlWorkload.sqlite"

Once the configuration file is ready, you just need to pass its path as a command line argument to SqlWorkload and the Listener will start to forward all the events to the File Writer Consumer. You will see an output similar to this:


When you are done capturing the workload, you can stop SqlWorkload by pressing CTRL+C and you will be left with a SqLite file containing all your workload. You can actually open that file with a SqLite client of your choice and see what it contains. SqLite Browser is one of the possibilities, but there are countless options in Windows, Linux and Mac.


Converting an existing SqlTrace or Extended Events file

You are probably wondering what to do if you already have a set of SqlTrace or Extended Events files that describe your workload perfectly: you probably don’t want to capture the workload again just for the sake of using it with SqlWorkload. Don’t worry: WorkloadTools also contains a command line tool to convert .trc and .xel files to the SqLite format understood by SqlWorkload.

All you have to do is run ConvertWorkload and pass the path to the source file and the path to the output file.


Again, it couldn’t get easier than that: SqlWorkload provides a Consumer to capture your workload to a file for later use, be it a replay or analysis. All you have to do is fill some info in a .json file and SqlWorkload takes care of the rest for you.

In the next post we will see how to replay a workload using WorkloadTools and we will see how one of the possible sources for the replay can be in fact one of these SqLite files produced by the File Writer Consumer.

Stay tuned!

Workload analysis with WorkloadTools

Last week I introduced WorkloadTools and promised additional posts to describe what it can do in more detail. So, here we go: in this post I will show you how to use WorkloadTools to capture a workload and analyze it, in order to find things like the most resource-intensive queries or discover how the application behaves over time.

Capturing the workload

First of all, you need to capture the workload using SqlWorkload. As stated in the documentation, you need to provide a .json file that contains all the parameters needed to configure the Listener and the Consumers.

Configuring the Listener

You have two types of listeners to choose from in this case, and the choice will be determined mainly by the version of SQLServer that you’re working on: with older versions (up to SQLServer 2008 R2), you will have no choice but to use a SqlTraceWorkloadListener, because Extended Events do not provide the required events (sql_batch_completed in particular).
With newer versions (from SQLServer 2012 onwards), you can use an ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener.

Regardless of the type of Listener that you choose, there is not much information that you need to provide: the name of the server to connect to and the credentials are usually more than enough. The following json fragment shows a sample Listener configuration:

    // This line decides which type of Listener to use
    // Put the name of the class of your choice in this param
    "__type": "ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener",
        // Server name and credentials
        "ServerName": "SQLDEMO\\SQL2014",
        "DatabaseName": "master",
        // Omit UserName and Password to use
        // Windows Authentication
        "UserName": "sa",
        "Password": "P4$$w0rd!"
    // If you want to reduce the workload,
    // put some filters here
    "DatabaseFilter": "DS3"

Some things to note:

  • The .json file accepts comments, even if the JSON standard does not allow comments. The file gets minified before reading, so all comments get stripped away. Comments are useful for describing what the file does and why it configures things in that particular way.
  • Each Listener type accepts a different set of parameters. See the documentation for more details. Not all parameters are mandatory (optional parameters and their default value are described in square brackets).
  • You do not need to configure, start and stop a particular trace or Extended Events session: SqlWorkload takes care of everything for you. If you really wanted to, you could override the default trace/session script (but most of the times you don’t want to do that)
  • Filtering the source events is a good idea in several situations: it helps breaking down complex workloads by database, application, login or host.

Regardless of the type of Listener in use, the workload does not need to get completely written to a SqlTrace or Extended Events file before it can be used by the Listener, but the events are read from the Listener source incrementally, using different techniques, that depend on the Listener type.

For instance, for an ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener, the Listener uses the XE streaming API to read the events without having to save them to a file target first. For a SqlTraceWorkloadListener, the events need to go to a trace file first, but SqlWorkload makes sure to use small rollover files and always reads the tail of the last available file. The same happens with ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener when the FileTargetPath property is specified (this is mandatory for Azure SqlDatabase and must point to a blog storage URL).

Configuring the Consumers

All the events captured by the Listener are forwarded to all the Consumers registered on the Listener itself. You could have multiple Consumers for the same Listener, but in this example one Consumer is sufficient.

Your goal is to capture the workload on the source server and extract some information about the shape of the workload itself, looking for resource-intensive queries, long-running queries or queries that have a high number of executions. The correct Consumer type for this is the AnalysisConsumer.

This Consumer type can be configured in many aspects, but in its simplest form, it just needs to receive the name of the server, database and schema where the workload analysis tables will be created and populated. The schema name is important, because you may want to compare different benchmarks and the easiest way to do this is to save each benchmark to a different schema.

// Consumers are contained in a list
        // Choose the appropriate type of Consumer
        "__type": "AnalysisConsumer",
        // Fill in connection information
            "ServerName": "SQLDEMO\\SQL2016",
            "DatabaseName": "SqlWorkload01",
            "SchemaName": "capture",
            "UserName": "sa",
            "Password": "P4$$w0rd!"
        // This parameter controls how often the consumer
        // aggregates performance data and writes to the
        // analysis database
        "UploadIntervalSeconds": 60

UploadIntervalSeconds is another important parameter, because it controls how often the workload analysis data is written to the destination database. AnalysisConsumer uses this parameter to time the creation of “intervals”: inside each interval, the performance data is aggregated by query, application, database, host name and login name.

The queries also get normalized during the analysis process: each constant or literal inside the query text gets replaced by a placeholder, which allows to aggregate together queries that differ only by the constant values. During the normalization process, SqlWorkload also calculates a 64 bit query hash, that can be used to retrieve the normalized query text and a sample query text captured before the normalization occurs.

Please note that, at the time of writing, the destination database does not get created automatically and needs to be created upfront. I am planning to remove this limitation, so keep an eye on this issue.

Putting it all together and starting SqlWorkload

Now that Listener and Consumer are configured, you just need to put it all together in a single .json file and pass it to SqlWorkload.

Here is the complete sqlworkload.json:

    "Controller": {

            "__type": "ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener",
                "ServerName": "SQLDEMO\\SQL2014",
                "DatabaseName": "master",
                "UserName": "sa",
                "Password": "P4$$w0rd!"
            "DatabaseFilter": "DS3"

                "__type": "AnalysisConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "SQLDEMO\\SQL2016",
                    "DatabaseName": "SqlWorkload01",
                    "SchemaName": "capture",
                    "UserName": "sa",
                    "Password": "P4$$w0rd!"
                "UploadIntervalSeconds": 60

Now that file is ready, save it (e.g. analyze.json) and use it to run SqlWorkload:

"%programfiles%\workloadtools\sqlworkload.exe" --File "%cd%\analyze.json"

If everything is ok, SqlWorkload will start to print messages to the standard output of your cmd window:


SqlWorkload also writes to a log file (SqlWorkload.log), that you will find in the working directory. You can control the log level and other logging parameters by editing NLog.config in the installation folder.

Every “UploadIntervalSeconds”, SqlWorkload will create a new interval, aggregate the performance data and upload everything to the analysis databases. You will see a message similar to this when the upload occurs:


When you think that the capture has lasted long enough, you can stop SqlWorkload by pressing CTRL+C. If you close the command window, it will not clean up the objects created for the capture, like Extended Events sessions or SqlTrace captures.

Another option is to specify a value for the optional parameter TimeoutMinutes on the Listener configuration: when the timeout expires, the capture will stop automatically.

Visualizing performance data with WorkloadViewer

Now that the analysis database contains the performance data, you can use WorkloadViewer to visualize it and draw your conclusions.

WorkloadViewer is a GUI tool that reads performance data from the analysis database and gives a graphical representation using charts and grids. It accepts a number of command line arguments that allow to automate its behavior, but it can be also opened without specifying any arguments: in this case, WorkloadViewer will present a form to fill the missing information.

WorkloadViewer can be used to visualize information about a single benchmark (analysis mode) or two benchmarks (comparison mode). In this case, you just need to work with a single benchmark, so it is enough to enter the connection info on the left, including the schema name where the tables are. When using Windows Authentication, you can leave UserName and Password blank.


WorkloadViewer shows data in three tabs:

  • Workload
  • Queries
  • Query Details

The “Workload” tab shows three charts for total CPU, total duration and batches per second for each interval. This is useful to see how the workload evolves over time and identify any correlation between the three metrics.


The charts support panning (click and drag with the right mouse button) and zooming (mouse wheel) as well as zooming to a particular area (click and drag with the middle mouse button). To reset zoom and pan, double click with the middle mouse button.

The “Queries” tab contains a grid that displays important metrics about the individual queries: avg/sum CPU, avg/sum Duration, avg/sum reads, total number of executions. These metrics are calculated over the entire workload.


You can sort by a particular column by clicking the header: this allows you to rank queries by one of the metrics and identify immediately the top queries by that metric.

Clicking on one of the rows displays the query text on the bottom panel. Double clicking one of the rows takes you to the “Query Details” tab.


This tab displays information about the individual query: it contains the query text and the overall performance metrics, broken down by application name, database name, host name and login name.

The chart displays the average CPU usage over time.

WorkloadViewer is still heavily being worked on and it is not showing all the data available in the analysis database, but I hope to include more information in the future. If you feel adventurous enough, you can point PowerBI to the analysis database and produce a dashboard designed on your specific needs.


As you can see, WorkloadTools can be a valuable help when you need to analyze a workload. SqlWorkload allows you to capture all the data that you need with extreme ease, without having to configure anything other than basic connection information.

WorkloadViewer allows you to visualize the data in a convenient way and can give you an immediate overview of your workload, ranking queries by the most important performance metrics.

But this is only one of the many tasks that you can accomplish with WorkloadTools: in the weeks to come I will continue to write on this topic and I will show you how to unleash the full potential of WorkloadTools.

Stay tuned!

Benchmarking with WorkloadTools

If you ever tried to capture a benchmark on your SQL Server, you probably know that it is a complex operation. Not an impossible task, but definitely something that needs to be planned, timed and studied very thoroughly.

The main idea is that you capture a workload from production, you extract some performance information, then you replay the same workload to one or more environments that you want to put to test, while capturing the same performance information. At the end of the process, you can compare performance under different conditions, identify regressions, avoid unwanted situations and rate your tuning efforts.



A big part of the complexity, let’s face it, comes from the fact that the tools that we have had in our toolbelt so far are complex and suffer from a number of limitations that make this exercise very similar to a hurdle race.

If you want to replay a workload from production to test, you need to be able to capture the workload first. Even before you start, you’re already confronted with a myriad of questions:

  • What do you use for this? A server-side trace? Extended events? Profiler maybe?
  • Which events do you capture? Which fields?
  • How long do you need to run the capture? How much is enough? One hour? One day? One week? One month?
  • Can you apply some filters?
  • Will you have enough disk space to store the captured data?

Throughout the years, you’ve had multiple tools for capturing workloads, each with its own strengths and limitations:

  • Profiler
    • GOOD: extremely easy to use
    • BAD: non-negligible impact on the server
  • Extended Events
    • GOOD: lightweight
    • BAD: not compatible with older versions of SQLServer
  • SQL Trace
    • GOOD: less impactful than profiler
    • BAD: deprecated

However, capturing the workload is not enough: you need to be able to replay it and analyze/compare the performance data.

But fear not! You have some tools that can help you here:

  • RML Utilities
  • SQL Nexus
  • Distributed Replay
  • Database Experimentation Assistant (DEA)

The bad news is that (again) each of these tools has its limitations and hurdles, even if the tin says that any monkey could do it. There is nothing like running ReadTrace.exe or Dreplay.exe against a huge set of trace files, only to have it fail after two hours, without a meaningful error message (true story). Moreover, of all these tools, only Distributed Replay (and DEA, which is built on top of it) support Azure SqlDatabase and Azure Managed instances: if you’re working with Azure, be prepared to forget everything you know about traces and RML Utilities.

Introducing WorkloadTools

Throughout my career, I had to go through the pain of benchmarking often enough to get fed up with all the existing tools and decide to code my own. The result of this endeavor is WorkloadTools: a collection of tools to collect, analyze and replay SQL Server workloads, on premises and in the cloud.

At the moment, the project includes 3 tools:

  • SqlWorkload – a command line tool to capture, replay and analyze a workload
  • ConvertWorkload – a command line tool to convert existing workloads (traces and extended events) to the format used by SqlWorkload
  • WorkloadViewer – a GUI tool to visualize and analyze workload data

SqlWorkload is different from the traditional tools, because it lets you choose the technology for the capture: SqlTrace, Extended Events or a pre-recorded workload file. SqlWorkload also lets you choose the platform that you prefer: it works with older versions of SqlServer (tested from 2008 onwards, but nothing prevents it from running on SqlServer 2000) and newer versions, like 2017 or 2019. But the groundbreaking feature of SqlWorkload is its ability to work with Azure Sql Database Managed Instances and Azure Sql Database, by capturing Extended Events on Azure blob storage.

The capture is performed by a “Listener”, that reads the workload events from the source and forwards them immediately to a collection of “Consumers”, each specialized for performing a particular task on the events that it receives. You have a consumer for replaying the workload, a consumer for saving the workload to a file and a consumer for analyzing the workload to a database.


This flexible architecture allows you to do things differently from the existing tools. The traditional approach to benchmarking has always been:

  • capture to one or more files
  • analyze the files
  • replay and capture
  • analyze the files
  • compare

SqlWorkload does not force you to save your workload to disk completely before you can start working with it, but it lets you forward the events to any type of consumer as soon as it is captured, thus enabling new types of workflows for your benchmarking activities. With SqlWorkload you are free to analyze the events while capturing, but you can also replay to a target database in real-time, while a second instance of SqlWorkload analyzes the events on the target.


If you’re used to a more traditional approach to benchmarking, you can certainly do things the usual way: you can capture a workload to a file, then use that file as a source for both the workload analysis and the replay. While replaying, you can capture the workload to a second set of files, that you can analyze to extract performance data. Another possibility is to analyze the workload directly while you capture it, writing to a workload file that you can use only for the replay.

As you can see, you have many possibilities and you are free to choose the solution that makes sense the most in your scenario. You may think that all this flexibility comes at the price of simplicity, but you’d be surprised by how easy it is to get started with WorkloadTools. SqlWorkload was designed to be as simple as possible, without having to learn and remember countless command line switches. Instead, it can be controlled by providing parameters in .JSON files, that can be saved, kept around and used as templates for the next benchmark.

For instance, the .JSON configuration file for “SqlWorkload A” in the picture above would look like this:

    "Controller": {

            "__type": "ExtendedEventsWorkloadListener",
                "ServerName": "SourceServer",
                "DatabaseName": "SourceDatabase",
                "UserName": "sa",
                "Password": "P4$$w0rd!"
            "DatabaseFilter": "SourceDatabase"

                "__type": "ReplayConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "TargetServer",
                    "DatabaseName": "TargetDatabase",
                    "UserName": "sa",
                    "Password": "Pa$$w0rd!"
                "__type": "AnalysisConsumer",
                    "ServerName": "AnalysisServer",
                    "DatabaseName": "AnalysisDatabase",
                    "SchemaName": "baseline",
                    "UserName": "sa",
                    "Password": "P4$$w0rd!"
                "UploadIntervalSeconds": 60

As you can see, SqlWorkload expects very basic information and does not need to set up complex traces or XE sessions: all you have to do is configure what type of Listener to use and its parameters, then you need to specify which Consumers to use and their parameters (mainly connection details and credentials) and SqlWorkload will take care of the rest.

If you need to do control the process in more detail, you can certainly do so: the full list of parameters that you can specify in .JSON files is available in the documentation of SqlWorkload at GitHub.

Once the capture is over and you completely persisted the workload analysis to a database, you can use WorkloadViewer to visualize it. WorkloadViewer will show you charts for Cpu, Duration and Batches/sec, comparing how the two benchmarks performed. You can also use the filters at the top to focus the analysis on a subset of the data or you can zoom and pan on the horizontal axis to select a portion of the workload to analyze.


You can also use the “Queries” tab to see an overview of the individual batches captured in the workload. For each of those batches, you’ll be able to see the text of the queries and you will see stats for cpu, duration, reads, writes and number of executions. Sorting by any of these columns will let you spot immediately the regressions between the baseline and the benchmark and you will know exactly where to start tuning.


If you double click one of the queries, you will go to the Query Details tab, which will show you additional data about the selected query, along with its performance over time:


If WorkloadViewer is not enough for you, the project also includes a PowerBI dashboard that you can use to analyze the data from every angle. Does it look exciting enough? Wait, there’s more…

If you already have a pre-captured workload in any format (SqlTrace or Extended Events) you can use the command line tool ConvertWorkload to create a new workload file in the intermediate format used and understood by SqlWorkload (spoiler: it’s a SqLite database), in order to use it as the source for a WorkloadFileListener. This means that you can feed your existing trace data to the WorkloadTools analysis database, or replay it to a test database, even if the workload was not captured with WorkloadTools in the first place.

We have barely scratched the surface of what WorkloadTools can do: in the next weeks I will post detailed information on how to perform specific tasks with WorkloadTools, like capturing to a workload file or performing a real-time replay. In the meantime, you can read the documentation or you can join me at SqlBits, where I will introduce WorkloadTools during my session.

Stay tuned!